Update #5
Our last camp of the summer is over. It was probably the most challenging one yet, not just due to the fact that we'd already been going nonstop prettymuch all summer. We didn't have a short term team, so all the responsibilities fell to us interns and the local Polish team. This was also an overnight camp, meaning we were doing activities prettymuch from 7:30 am to 11:30 pm all week long.
We would have choir rehearsal and sectionals in the morning, then go straight to the first musical workshop. I taught a vocal workshop, then helped with the dance workshop in the afternoon (and actually had to teach one day when the main teacher got food poisoning). During free time, the intern team was usually either rehearsing the worship set for the evening program, or working with students in band rehearsals for Saturday's concert. Even after the evening program, we would have activities and night games before everyone finally went to bed.
It was a full, FULL week. Since we had so many responsibilities, I felt like I didn't have as much time to spend with the campers. There was definitely a strong temptation to just get into task mode and not engage, but the Spirit was moving in really special ways this past week. He used our music to set the tone for the night the gospel was presented. I looked out and saw people crying with their arms around each other. I also had some really great talks with some of the girls and encouraged them to be intentional about their faith, ask tough questions, and get involved in the Word and in community.
The concert was amazing, possibly the best one we've had yet. I am so incredibly proud of all my students and what they were able to accomplish in just one week. I had one girl who was extremely shy when we started and was adamant she didn't want to sing on the concert. But the whole week I saw her working so hard in my workshop, even when I was working with other people, and by the end she was able to sing a duet on the concert.
One of the highlights for me this week was also one of the hardest things I've done all summer. During our Fusion director's the talk on the last day, he called me up and I was able to share some of my testimony and talk about a time in my life where God was faithful even when it seemed like everything was falling apart. I shared about my Dad's death and his unshakeable faith during that time and how his faith strengthened mine. It was difficult going back to that emotional place, but afterward I had so many people pull me aside and thank me for how much it meant to them. God took the pain of loss and used it to bring hope.
The hardest part of these camps is investing in the kids, seeing the change in them from the beginning of the week to the end of the week, and then not knowing what fruit is going to come of it. But that's where trusting the Spirit comes in. It may be a good thing us Americans were so busy this week, because I heard so many stories about how the local Polish believers were connecting with the campers. We were just one small piece of the movement. We may have opened doors, now it's up to them to decide to walk through, and up to the local believers to walk alongside them. Pray that these campers would seek the community and sense of belonging that they so desperately want, and pray for strength for the leaders as they continue their ministry here.
Thank you for joining the movement. I am beyond grateful for all your support, and I can't wait to see what God continues to do here.
What a joy! Sometimes we suffer from hearing grevious news from all around the world, but we can also celebrate wonderful news of people far away who are meeting & falling in love with Jesus. Thank you for going, Ellie. Someday you will get to hear ALL the stories!