Update #5
Our last camp of the summer is over. It was probably the most challenging one yet, not just due to the fact that we'd already been going nonstop prettymuch all summer. We didn't have a short term team, so all the responsibilities fell to us interns and the local Polish team. This was also an overnight camp, meaning we were doing activities prettymuch from 7:30 am to 11:30 pm all week long. We would have choir rehearsal and sectionals in the morning, then go straight to the first musical workshop. I taught a vocal workshop, then helped with the dance workshop in the afternoon (and actually had to teach one day when the main teacher got food poisoning). During free time, the intern team was usually either rehearsing the worship set for the evening program, or working with students in band rehearsals for Saturday's concert. Even after the evening program, we would have activities and night games before everyone finally went to bed. It was a full, FULL week. Since we had so m...